Thursday, 15 December 2011

Comments please!

If anyone has any comments about the race, how we could make it better?
Please post your comment here!

Thanks to all our Marshalls

A big thank you to all those who helped on the 4th. We couldn't do it without you!

Monday, 5 December 2011

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Volunteers needed!

With a month to go before the Winter 10k run we're looking for volunteers to help us with marshalling around the course. We are also looking for First Aiders so if you or anyone you know are able to spare a couple of hours on Sunday 4th December please get in touch.
You can email me at
Or post a comment on this blog.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Time is running out to sign up!
Make sure you get your entry in before the race fills up.

Monday, 24 October 2011

6 weeks to go!

Having spent part of the weekend walking and running the Watlington 10k course i can confirm it's looking really magical at this time of year. Starting with the tree fringed Ridgeway section along towards the M40 you can really see the season changing as green is replaced by brown, copper and gold. Heading up the first big climb, forcing the fresh cold air through your lungs you can glance back at the Oxfordshire plain as you pause at the top gate, your aching legs welcoming the short break. Then into the steep wooded section and finally out onto the road and across the big field to start your swooping descent down Shirburn Hill with the best view in the South spread out in front of you. Well, if you've done the race you know all this so not get out next weekend and have a practice run. There's only 6 weekends left to train! See you on the 4th.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Online Reigistration

You can now enter our winter 10k race online at Runners
Just go to the events section and search for watlington xc xk (include the gaps) or just search upcoming events / oxfordshire.
See you on the 4th!

Monday, 10 October 2011

Knackered after Henley

Does anyone have a cure for extremely traumatised legs?
The Henley half was about the limit of my running capability, but you have to give it a go don't you.
Thanks go to Tim for pacing me through a decent first half and for Bob for dragging me across the line.
The bit in the middle was down to me and predictably that's where i lost time!
Speaking of which, it's time to sign up for our Winter run on Dec 4th, click on this link for a form and send it in with a cheque or just post on this blog to let us know you'll be taking part. 

Hopefully i will have recovered by then!


Monday, 12 September 2011

Winter run date announced - 4th December 2011

Yes folks, just because its officially not summer any more, that doesn't mean you can hang up your running shoes 'till Spring! Book your place on the Watlington XC 10k on December the 4th and give yourself the incentive to stay in top running form as the evenings draw in. We're keeping the cost to just £5 a head and retaining the familiar course so you can have a go at beating last years time. Keep watching this blog for more news!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Summer 10k 3rd July 2011

The next Watlington Xc 10k run will be held on Sunday 3rd July.
Make sure of your place by signing up online at runnersworld and searching for Watlingtonxcxk.
See you there!